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James Rayner (born April 1st, 1988)

is a British Director / DP and filmmaker based out of Orlando Florida.

At the age of 19, James entered into the creative world of filmmaking through web based company ‘Home on film’. There he learned the basic fundamentals of filmmaking and started to create short films. 

James went on to work in Los Angeles as a cinematographer on the award winning mid-length film, 'A Night At Robert McAlisters', which further developed into award winning feature film ‘The Paddy Lincoln Gang’, sculpting his craft as well as building his knowledge of the industry as a producer. Since then he has worked on multiple award winning short and feature films internationally, and has also directed and produced many commercials, working alongside recognized global brands such as Scholastic / Lombardi Honors / Motul / Tavistock Group. 

He has collaborated with actors and artists such as award winning actor Dean Jagger (Warrior, CineMax), Amy Argle ( Frank & Lola 2016), Phillip Mullings Jr (American Soul, BET Network), Tyla Yaweh and many more.

James continues to fulfill his passion of working alongside likeminded individuals to create powerful emotive stories that impact and inspire others.